Custom Photo Safari

# u p c l o s e i n a f r i c a
If you're a group of photographers seeking a tailored experience and prefer not to join one of our pre-packaged Wildlife Photo Safaris, reach out to us. We welcome the opportunity to create a fully customized Photo Safari based on your preferences.
To enquire, fill out the form below. Provide details such as;
Let us craft a unique Photo Safari that aligns perfectly with your parameters and photography goals.

Tailored Experiences, Your Way!

Let us guide you in discovering the ideal destination for the experience you crave. Whether it's wildlife, birds, landscapes, conservation, or cultural immersion, we're here to assist in your planning. You decide on the type of experience, and we'll help you bring it to life.

Your comfort, your choices!

Booking a photo safari is a significant decision, and we're here to assist. We'll guide you through your choices of destinations and lodges, ensuring you find the perfect balance between the comforts you expect and the photographic experience you're looking for.

We're with You Every Step!

From tending to your comforts to offering expert photographic guidance in the field or classroom, and even assisting with post-processing, our professional photographic guides are dedicated to taking care of you every step of the way.

Custom Photo Safari - Enquiry
